Frequency Domain and Frequency-Domain Perturbation
A Frequency Domain study step is used to compute the response of a linear or linearized model subjected to harmonic excitation for one or several frequencies. A Frequency-Domain Perturbation study step is used for studying small oscillations about a biased solution (small-signal analysis).
Syntax, "Frequency");, "Frequencylinearized");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
init | sol
Method used for linearization point, which for sol is determined by the current solution (that is, the solution computed by the previous feature in the sequence).
zero | solution object
all | auto | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | solution number
no | yes | auto
Reuse solution from previous step. The default is auto for MeanEnergies and ReducedElectricField studies.
on | off
Probes to use when probesel=manual.
all | none | manual
on | off
init | sol
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
See Store in Output for possible options and defaults (this property corresponds to the Output column). Possible values are physics, all, none, or selection.
auto | first | last | interp | manual | positive integer
on | off
on | off
See setEntry() for information about setting the values for a property that uses a String Map. If you use the set(pname,value) method, you have to provide all alternating property name and property value pairs.
on | off
Continuation parameter when pcontinuationmode = manual.
no | last | manual
on | off
filled | sparse
on | off
For the adaptation and error estimates settings, see Table 6-164.