A Stationary study step is intended for a stationary or steady-state situation where you can use a stationary solver, including mesh adaptation and error estimation (see Table 6-164).
Syntax, "Stationary");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
on | off
pout | psteps
Probes to use when probesel=manual.
all | none | manual
on | off
init | sol
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
See Store in Output for possible options and defaults (this property corresponds to the Output column). Possible values are physics, all, none, or selection.
auto | first | last | interp | manual | positive integer
on | off
on | off
See setEntry() for information about setting the values for a property that uses a String Map. If you use the set(pname,value) method, you have to provide all alternating property name and property value pairs.
errandres | err | none
Add variables for error estimation: error estimates and residuals (errandres), error estimates only (err), or no variables (none).
on | off
Adjoint solution error estimate (for adaptation). The on value corresponds to PPR for Lagrange, and the off value corresponds to Interpolation error in the user interface.
on | off
globalmin | worst | elements
domain | boundary | edge
none | adaption | errest
l2errest | goalerrest
l2errest for adaption; goalerrest for errest
Functional when goalfunctype is set to gfman.
on | off
gfint | gfl2 | gfl1 | gflinf
Predefined functionals for the solution when goalfunctype is set to gfpredef: integral (the default), L2 norm, L1 norm, or approximate max norm.
gfpredef | gfman
off | auto | manual
minimal | normal | detailed
modify | rebuild | regular | longest
true | false
first | last | all | manual
Solution selection: the first or last solution, all solutions, or manual, using weights and solution number indices in adapsolnum. Eigenfrequency studies use all with weights set to 1, which then uses the first solution only.
graphics | new
Controls refinement if elselect=worst (for adaptation).
When the goalorientedtermination property is set to manual, you can add goal-oriented termination expression using the setIndex() method:
goalorientedterminationexpression: The expression for goal-oriented termination.
goalorientedterminationtolerance: The tolerance for the goal-oriented termination.
  goalorientedtolerancetype: The tolerance type: "relative" or "absolute".
goalorientedterminationactive: If the goal-oriented expression is active or not (true or false).
Matrix with "on"/"off" entries
Matrix with "on"/"off" entries
Continuation parameter when pcontinuationmode = manual.
no | last | manual
on | off
no | yes | auto
filled | sparse
on | off
on | off