Geometric Model
A meshing sequence that defines its own geometric model defines its own set of entities and is not connected to a geometry sequence. The most common example is a meshing sequence including an Import feature. The meshing features listed in the See Also section can only be added to meshing sequences that define their own geometric model.
To get the geometric model used in the meshing sequence <tag>, use
String geomModel = model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).geometricModel();
The method returns a string with the tag of the geometry or meshing sequence with the prefix geom/ or mesh/ to indicate if it is a geometry or mesh. It returns an empty string if the sequence defines its own geometric model.
to specify if the meshing sequence <tag> defines its own geometric model. It defines its own geometric model if the Boolean expression evaluates to true. Specify false to use the geometric model defined by the associated geometry sequence.
The physics is defined on the component’s geometric model. For more information, see model.component().
See Also
Import, Ball, Box, CreateDomains, CreateEdges, CreateFaces, CreateVertices, Cylinder, DeleteEntities, DetectFaces, FillHoles, IntersectLine, IntersectPlane, JoinEntities, LogicalExpression, Union