Create vertices in a mesh that defines its own geometric model.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"CreateVertices") to create additional vertices in a mesh that defines its own geometric model. For more information, see Geometric Model.
Convert existing mesh vertices into vertex elements, refine existing elements by inserting points into them, or create new vertex elements in void or in unmeshed domains. In the general case, converting mesh vertices is most easily done setting the coord value due to the snapping tolerance. This option also makes it possible to create vertices that are not connected to an existing mesh.
The following properties are available:
coord | meshvertex
component | point
Enter x-coordinates when coordformat is component.
Enter y-coordinates when coordformat is component.
Enter z-coordinates (3D only) when coordformat is component.
Enter the point coordinates when coordformat is point. Specify, x, y, and z (3D only) values.
Enter exact coordinates of mesh vertex when vertexspec is meshvertex. Specify, x, y, and z (3D only) values.
on | off
on | off
See Also
CreateDomains, CreateEdges, CreateFaces