If the Scene light check box is selected, enter a value between 0 and 1 for the Light intensity (default value: 1) or use the slider to select a level for the light intensity. Watch the changes in the Graphics window at the same time to help choose a level.
Enter a value between 0 and 1 for the Ambient intensity (default value: 0.3) or use the slider to select a level for the ambient intensity. Watch the changes in the Graphics window at the same time to help choose a level.
Select a Color from the list: Custom, Black, Blue, Cyan, Gray, Green, Magenta, Red, White (default), or Yellow. The color is only applied to ambient light. If you select Custom, click the Color button to choose a color from the Custom color palette.
In the Number of samples field, enter a suitable number of samples for the ambient occlusion (1 – 300 samples). A higher number of samples gives a better quality.
In the Roughness field, enter a suitable value between 0 and 1 (default: 1), where 0 is the smoothest setting with no noticeable shadows.
In the Kernel rotations texture width field contains an integer between 0 and 8. A higher value means slightly higher quality.
In the Smooth field contains an integer between 0 and 8. A higher value means more smoothing but also somewhat slower performance.
Select the Normal-aware smoothing check box to provide smoothing that takes the surface normals into account for an improved smoothing quality. It is enabled by default when you choose High quality from the Quality preset list.
In the Resolution field, enter a suitable value between 0 and 1 for the SSAO resolution (a higher value can give a smoother appearance).
In the Number of occluder samples field, enter a suitable number of samples for the occluder (1 – 200 samples) to take during the search of occluders. A higher number of samples gives a better estimation of the size of the penumbra, and, thus, a better image quality.
the Number of samples field, enter a suitable number of samples used during filtering of the shadow maps. The size of the filtering kernel is proportional to the size of the estimated penumbra, and a higher number of samples gives a better quality.
In the Resolution field, enter a suitable value between 0 and 1 (default: 0.5) for determining the resolution of the shadow maps (a higher value can reduce aliasing artifacts along the shadow borders).
Select the Multisampling everywhere check box to prevent the algorithm from varying the amount of filtering samples taken, as, by default, the number of filtering samples taken are proportional to the estimated size of the penumbra. When selected, the noise patterns seen in penumbra regions can look more smooth.
Select the Limit light view frustums check box to make the algorithm spend extra effort on limiting the size of the view frustums used when generating the shadow maps. Selecting this option can help in reducing aliasing artifacts seen along the shadow borders. The positive effect of this option becomes greater when the camera is zoomed in on the model.
Select the Accurate depth comparison check box to make the algorithm take a different approach when comparing depth values. This option can alleviate artifacts in shadows that are particularly observable on concave surfaces. When selected, you can also select the Normal-aware smoothing check box to make the filtering of the shadow map also take the geometry normals into account.
From the Environment map list, choose one of the available environment maps: Indoor or Outdoor. The default is None, which does not display any environment map.
From the Sky direction list, choose where the sky should be located: Positive X, Negative X, Positive Y (the default), Negative Y, Positive Z, or Negative Z.
From the Sky rotation list, choose a rotation of the environment map around the chosen sky direction: No rotation, Rotate 90°, Rotate 180°, or Rotate 270°.
You can blur the image by entering a value between 0 (completely clear; the default) or 1 (completely blurry) in the Blur field, or use the slider underneath.
You can blend the image with the background by entering a value between 0 (no blending at all; the default) or 1 (not visible) in the Blend field, or use the slider underneath.
From the Projection list, choose Special (the default), which does not take the camera’s zoom level into account when rendering the skybox, or From camera, which uses the projection from the camera that is part of the view. If you chose Special, you can specify a field of view for the skybox (1–180 degrees; default 110 degrees) in the Field of view field (unit: degrees). The smaller the field of view is, the further the view moves into the skybox image.
By default, antialiasing is enabled for transparency rendering. You can turn the antialiasing on or off using the Enable antialiasing for on-screen transparency effects check box on the Graphics page in the Preferences dialog box.
The Clip faces check box controls if the clipping will remove faces or not.
The Clip edges check box controls if the clipping will remove edges or not.
The Clip points check box controls if the clipping will remove points or not.
The Clip primary hover effect check box is selected by default. The primary hover effect is then affected by clip features. Clear the check box if you want the primary hover effect to disregard any clipping features. The full entity that you hover on will then be seen.
Select the Clip contextual hover effect check box to make clip features affect the contextual hover effect. Clear the check box to see all contextual hover effect lines.
The Highlight intersection check box controls if the intersection between the clipping tool and the 3D geometry should be highlighted or not. When selected, you can specify the coloring of the intersection using the Color list: Choose From theme (the default), any predefined color, or Custom to choose a color from a color palette.
The Apply clipping check box control that the clipping action is active. Clear it to disable the clipping.
The Show frames check box controls if the frames that outline the clipping action will be displayed or not. When displayed, you can use it do drag and resize the clipping tools (clip planes cannot be resized).
The Show gizmos check box controls if the gizmo that indicates the position and action of the clipping action will be displayed or not. You can use the gizmo to move and rotate the clipping tool.
Select the Show cross section check box to display cross sections between the clipping tool and the model geometry. The Colorize check box is enabled by default. Select Domain (the default) or Object from the Colorize per list to assign colors per domain or per object for the cross sections of geometrical entities. Colorizing per domain can be useful when defining materials and physics, for example, whereas colorizing per object can be useful during geometry modeling. With the Colorize check box selected, each domain gets a a color if it is not already colored by either some kind of selection or a material. Select the Make transparent check box if you want the cross section to be transparent. Enter a value between 0 and 1 in the Transparency field (default: 0.2), where 0 means a fully opaque color and 1 means a fully transparent color, or use the slider to select a transparency level. The Highlight overlapping domains check box is enabled by default to show where overlapping domains appear. From the Color list, choose From theme (the default) to use a color from the color theme, or select another color from the list.