Meshing: Resolving the Waves in Space
Solutions to acoustic problems are wavelike. The waves are characterized by a wavelength λ in space, whose value depends on the frequency and speed of sound c in the medium according to λ = c/f. This wavelength has to be resolved by the mesh.
To represent a wave on a discrete grid (the mesh), it is obvious that the mesh elements must be smaller than the wavelength in order to resolve the wave. That is, there needs to be several degrees of freedom (DOFs) per wavelength in the direction of propagation. In reality, the lower limit for a fully reliable solution lies at about ten to twelve degrees of freedom per wavelength.
Because the direction of propagation is generally not known beforehand, it is good practice to aim for an isotropic mesh with about twelve DOFs per wavelength on average, independently of the direction. Therefore, the number of DOFs in a sufficiently resolved mesh is about:
1728 = 123 times the model volume measured in wavelengths cubed in 3D.
144 = 122 times the model area measured in wavelengths squared in 2D.
Before starting a new model, try to estimate the required number of DOFs using these guidelines. The maximum number of DOFs that can be solved for differs between computer systems. See Solving Large Acoustics Problems Using Iterative Solvers for solver suggestions.
Resolving Waves With Lagrange and Serendipity Elements
When creating an unstructured mesh for use with the default 2nd-order Lagrange elements or 2nd-order serendipity elements (see Lagrange and Serendipity Shape Functions), set the maximum element size hmax to about λ/5 or smaller. Note that this choice is the default for the Physics-Controlled Mesh for Pressure Acoustics. Because all elements in the constructed mesh are smaller than hmax, the limit is set larger than the actual required element size. Note that for specific engineering purposes it is sometimes possible to use a coarser mesh. This is, for example, the case if only the sound pressure level (SPL) is of interest as a result, and not the exact phase of the pressure (correct balance between real and imaginary part of the pressure variable in the frequency domain). In general a mesh sensitivity analysis should be carried out to investigate the sensitivity on the solutions parameters of interest. The mesh should also resolve important geometric features and possible gradients in the material parameters and model inputs. Geometric features are, for example, curved surfaces or narrow gaps which need to be resolved adequately. Another important example is if a thin structure is present (possibly modeled as a boundary using an interior condition). In this case it is important to have a fine mesh near the edge of the structure to resolve gradients in the pressure.
Meshing in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual
Meshing the Perfectly matched layer (PML)
When using a perfectly matched layer (PML) to truncate the computational domain, it is good practice to use a structured mesh inside the PML region. In 3D models, use a Swept mesh inside the PML and in 2D models use a Mapped mesh. Use at least 5 elements in the thickness when using rational PML scaling and 8 elements when using the default polynomial scaling in the PML. The automatic Physics-Controlled Mesh for Pressure Acoustics set the suggested number of layers. Again, make sure the check for mesh convergence by adding more layers.
When creating the geometry for your model, use the Layers option to create the geometry of your PML layer or domain. This will ensure that it is suited for proper meshing using a structured mesh.
Structured Meshes in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual