Defining the Carrier Mobility
Realistic models for the carrier mobility are important to simulate semiconductor devices with a drift diffusion approach. The mobility is limited by scattering of the carriers within the material. Phenomena that can affect the mobility include:
The Semiconductor Module includes several predefined mobility models, as well as user-defined models. These models are added as subnodes to the Semiconductor Material Model node.
Both user-defined and predefined mobility models can be combined in arbitrary ways. Each mobility model defines an output electron and hole mobility. If appropriate (some filtering occurs in the predefined mobility models to prevent inappropriate combinations), the output mobility can be used as an input to other mobility models. User-defined mobility models accept any of the predefined mobility models as inputs and can be used as inputs for all the predefined mobility models that require an input. The model used within the simulation is selected for electrons and holes by changing the Electron mobility and the Hole mobility settings in the Mobility Model section of the Semiconductor Material Model node, which by default uses a constant mobility obtained from the material properties.