Creating PowerPoint Presentations with Tables and Images Linked to Models
The COMSOL Add-In for PowerPoint
The interface between COMSOL and PowerPoint that enables working with linked images and tables is installed together with COMSOL Multiphysics. The installer registers with PowerPoint the COMSOL add-in, which is listed on the Add-ins page of the PowerPoint Options window that is accessible from the File backstage view in PowerPoint. When the interface add-in is loaded it provides the following additions to the PowerPoint user interface:
The COMSOL ribbon tab where you can insert and update images and tables
The COMSOL tab in the File Backstage View where you can manage the source references for the linked images and tables
The COMSOL Image tools tab where you can change image settings
The COMSOL Table tools tab where you can change table settings
The COMSOL context menu where you can quickly access the most often used commands
Inserting Images and Tables in Presentations
To insert tables and screenshot images of, for example, geometry and result plots in a PowerPoint® presentation in a way that these remain linked to the model to enable future updates, start inside COMSOL Multiphysics by doing one of the following:
From the Table window toolbar click the Copy Table and Headers to PowerPoint () button.
Use the Table node to copy the table as described in the section Table (Export), and make sure hat you set the output target is set to PowerPoint.
Follow the steps in the section Capturing and Copying Screenshots for generating the image screenshot, and make sure that in Step 14 you select the output target PowerPoint.
Use the Image node to generate plot images as described in the section Image, and make sure that you set the output target is set to PowerPoint.
After the image or table is generated switch to PowerPoint, and from the COMSOL ribbon tab select Paste (), or press Ctrl+V, to insert the last generated image or table. Alternatively, to insert one of the earlier generated items, on the COMSOL tab click Clipboard () and select the image or table to be inserted. Images and tables that are added to a presentation according to the above steps retain a reference to their source models and can be updated from PowerPoint, or using a batch tool that can update several presentations.
Go to Generating a Model Presentation for information about generating PowerPoint presentations with linked images from COMSOL Multiphysics models.
Updating Images and Tables in Presentations
Images and tables that are linked to models can be easily updated when needed while preserving the formatting applied in the PowerPoint presentation. During the update process the images and tables are generated by COMSOL Multiphysics (if the source models are open) or by an automatically started COMSOL Multiphysics server that opens the referenced models. To update linked images and tables from inside PowerPoint follow one of the methods below.
From the COMSOL ribbon tab click Update All () to update all linked images and tables in the presentation.
From the COMSOL ribbon tab click Update ()
From the COMSOL Image or COMSOL Table tools tab click Update Image() or Update Table()
Right-click the image or table and select COMSOL>Update Image () or COMSOL>Update Table ()
To prevent an image or a table from being updated when you update all linked content in a presentation, select the image or table, then from the COMSOL Image or COMSOL Table tools tab select the Lock Image () the Lock Table () toggle button, or right-click the image and select COMSOL>Lock Image or COMSOL>Lock Table.