Table (Export)
Use the Table () node to export the contents of a table to file. A table export stores the data from any of the tables in the model, including any evaluation group tables, as a text file. To export a table, right-click a Table node under Tables () and select Add Table to Export, or right-click the Export node and select Mesh.
Click the Export button () in the Settings window or right-click the node and select Export. The Messages window confirms where the files are exported as specified in the Output section.
First select a source for the table from the Source list: Table (the default) or Evaluation group. Then select a table or evaluation group from the list below. The Table or Evaluation group list contains the all tables or evaluation group tables in the model. By default, the selection of a table is the one from which you have selected Add Table to Export or the first available table or evaluation group table if you have added the Table node directly under Export. Select None to not export any table data.
Choose a Target: File (the default), Clipboard (Windows only), or PowerPoint (Windows only).
Target Set to File
Enter a Filename including a path to save the table data as a file to your computer or click Browse and navigate to where you want to Save the output and specify the file type as a text file (*.txt), CSV file (*.csv), data file (*.dat), or, if the license includes LiveLink™ for Excel®, Microsoft Excel workbook (*.xlsx) from the Save as type list. When you save the table data as a Microsoft Excel workbook, you can also specify a Sheet and Range (by default, those text fields are empty; the program then saves all data), and by default the Overwrite check box is selected. Click the downward arrow for the File Location Actions menu () to choose Copy File Location () and (if you have copied a file location) Paste File Location ().
Select the Always ask for filename check box if you want the program to always display a dialog box for specifying where to store the table data.
Target Set to PowerPoint
Choose this option to use the table in a Microsoft® PowerPoint presentation. The export will copy the table to the clipboard in a way that it will remain linked to the model for future updates after pasting it into the presentation. See Creating PowerPoint Presentations with Tables and Images Linked to Models for more information on how to insert and update tables in a presentation.
The Include header check box is selected by default. Click to clear the check box if you do not want to include a header.
From the Precision list, choose From preferences (the default) to use the precision from the Output display precision preference setting, Full to use full precision, or Manual to enter the precision as an integer between 1 and 17 in the Display precision field (default: 5).
From the Notation list, choose one of the following alternatives for the numeric notation:
From selected table (the default) — use the display notation from the Table window.
Automatic — display numbers in either scientific or decimal notation depending on their magnitude.
Scientific — display numbers in scientific notation, for example 8.5E-1.
Engineering — display numbers in engineering notation, for example 850E-3.
Decimal — display numbers in decimal notation, for example 0.85.
From the Complex notation list, choose one of the following alternatives for the complex notation:
 From selected table (the default)— use the complex notation from the Table window.
Rectangular — display complex numbers in terms of real and imaginary parts, for example 1 + 2i.
Polar — display complex number in terms of magnitude and argument, for example 2.236163.435°.
From the If the file exists list, select Overwrite (the default) to replace the data in the file with the data you export, or choose Append to append the data to the end of the file. Appending data can be useful when exporting data for a parametric sweep, for example.