Generating a Model Presentation
For a model for which you want to create a presentation, the following steps describe the general procedure:
Right-click Reports () and choose a presentation type that creates presentation nodes that describe the model with a suitable level of detail from the Presentations submenu. The built-in presentation types, Standard Presentation and Detailed Presentation, are always available. You can also create your own presentation templates based on either of the built-in ones, which then become accessible from the context menu and the ribbon tab under From Template; see Creating, Exporting, and Using Custom Presentation Templates for details. Alternatively, you can choose Custom Presentation and build the presentation node by node.
In the main Settings window for Presentation, specify the location for the output file for the presentation. You can also specify the PowerPoint template to use and other settings for slide headers, images, and slide layouts.
The top node is typically the Title Slide node (). In its Settings window, you can define the title to be taken from the model or to be user defined with a title and subtitle. You can also add an author and company, if desired.
Review the structure and contents of the presentation. You can add, move, edit, disable, and delete structural elements and presentation contents. In the Template section of the main Settings window for Presentation you can change the template and then click Generate () to regenerate the report. The Template setting also affects the level of details for any nodes you add manually.
The built-in presentation types define different levels of detail:
Standard Presentation: It contains an overview of the model with all results and plots but excludes details about physics and mesh features as well as materials.
Detailed Presentation: In addition to the default presentation, it contains details about physics and mesh features and materials
Custom Presentation: It contains an initially empty presentation, which you can configure using the available presentation components.