When a Reaction is defined, a Species node () is automatically generated for the participating reactants and products. This feature enables you to review and enter species specific information regarding chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and transport properties.
It is also possible to add and define an individual Species node: on the Chemistry toolbar click Species or right-click the Chemistry node and select it from the context menu.
Species Name
When a Species node is automatically generated using the Formula text field for the Reaction node, the Species name is also automatically generated.
For a Species node added individually, enter a Species name in the field and click Apply.
Species Type
Select a species type — Bulk species, Surface species, or Solvent.The latter is only available when a diluted solution is assumed. That is when Type is set to Diluted Species in the Mixture Properties section (in the interface level).
Bulk species and Solvent are solved for volumetric concentrations (SI unit: mol/m3), while Surface species are solved for surface concentration (SI unit: mol/m2). The compositions for Bulk species and Solvent use the syntax c_speciesname, while Surface species uses csurf_speciesname_surf.
When Surface species is selected, the corresponding reaction formula introduces (ads) after the species notation and changes the species’ name to speciesname_surf. Additionally, the Species node name is updated in a similar fashion.
General Parameters
The General Parameters section deals with species parameters.
The default value for the Molar mass, M, and the ionic Charge, z, of the species is automatically defined from the species name by assuming that it corresponds to its chemical formula. Provided that the formula contains elements from the periodic table, the species molar mass is computed from the mass of occurring individual elements1. When the species name contains parts not in the periodic table, for example when a descriptive name such as water is used, the molar mass is set to 0.0 kg/mol and the charge to zero. In this case, the molar mass needs to be defined in order to achieve mass balanced reactions and correct definitions of mass basis properties. The species charge is also deduced from the species name. Creating a H+ species, the charge will be set to one. When needed, both the Molar mass and the Charge can be edited in the corresponding text field.
It is possible to specify the species density ρ when the fluid Mixture is specified as Liquid. The default value is that of water at 293 K.
Reaction Rate
Change the Automatic default setting to User defined to use a species reaction rate other than the one set up in the associated Reaction node. For individual species, use the User defined option to set a reaction rate other than zero (that is, nonreactive).
Edit either the Rate expression (SI unit: mol/(m3·s)), the Surface rate expression (SI unit: mol/(m2·s)), or both. For a bulk species, both expressions appear if surface reactions are present since the reaction of the species can depend both on bulk reaction R and surface reaction Rads rates. For a surface species, only the surface reaction rate Rads appears.
Additional Source
The Additional Source section is available in order to include additional rate contribution for the species to the reaction kinetics. When the Additional source check box is selected, add an Additional rate expression in the text field (SI unit: mol/m3).
Species Concentration/Activity
To account for non-ideality in the fluid mixture, adjust the activity coefficient in the Activity coefficient input field. This input field is only shown if activity instead of concentration has been chosen in the interface, that is, the Use activity check box is selected on the Chemistry interface Settings window
Click to select the Constant concentration/activity check box if the species concentration or activity should be treated as constant.
Species Transport Expressions
Here the required parameters to compute various transport properties can be edited. To show this section the Calculate mixture properties check box needs to be selected under the Calculate Transport Properties section.
For a gas mixture, there are maximum five properties to consider: σ, the characteristic length (unit: Å) of the Lennard-Jones/Stockmayer potential; ε/kb, the energy minimum (SI unit: K) of the Lennard-Jones/Stockmayer potential; μD, the dipole moment (SI unit: Debye); ki, the thermal conductivity of the gas (SI unit: W/(m K)); and Diffusivity of the species (SI unit: m2/s). The latter two can be set as Automatic, when theoretical Transport Parameters expressions are available.
For a liquid mixture, there is only the parameter ki, the thermal conductivity (SI unit: W/(m K)) to edit.
Species Thermodynamic Expressions
The parameters utilized for calculation of thermodynamic mixture and reaction properties are set in this section.
The Species Thermodynamic Expressions are by default computed using data input in the NASA format. In this case, enter the following to compute the species’ heat capacity, Cp (SI unit: J/(molK)), the molar enthalpy, h (SI unit: J/mol), and the molar entropy, s (SI unit: J/(molK)):
Polynomial coefficients alow,k and ahi,k
Any coefficients for the thermodynamic polynomials entered into the alow,k fields apply to the temperatures in the range Tlo to Tmid; coefficients entered into the ahi,k fields apply to temperatures in the range Tmid to Thi range. The coefficients can also be imported in the CHEMKIN Import for Species Properties section in the Chemistry node.
Choose the User defined alternative to specify Cp, h, and s directly.

Values are averages of upper and lower bounds for each atom as published by CIAAW. Source: CIAAW. Atomic weights of the elements 2019. Available online at www.ciaaw.org.