Domain, Boundary, Pair, Edge, and Point Conditions for PDEs
The PDE interfaces have the following domain, boundary, pair, edge, and point conditions described in this section and listed in alphabetical order. Some nodes are selected from the Classical PDEs submenu:
There are also auxiliary equation-based nodes found under the More, Edges, and Points submenus. To display these submenus in the context menu, click the Show More Options button () on the Model Builder toolbar and select Equation-Based Contributions in the Show More Options dialog box. Then choose from the following (listed in alphabetical order):
There is generally a More submenu for the domain level as well as one for the boundary level on a physics context menu. See Physics Interface Node Context Menu Layout for an example.
For some of the constraint nodes — Dirichlet Boundary Condition, Constraint, and Pointwise Constraint — you can add subnodes to exclude surrounding surfaces, edges, or points from the constraint. See Excluded Points, Excluded Edges, Excluded Surfaces.