Classical PDE Domain Nodes
The nodes available from the Classical PDEs submenu can be added to any PDE interface at the domain level. The same node is also available as its own interface from the Mathematics>Classical PDEs branch () when adding an interface.
See Coefficient Form PDE for all the settings and Compact and Standard Notations for Classical PDEs for the equations that the Classical PDE interface solves.
The available interfaces and domain nodes are:
Laplace’s Equation
The Laplace Equation is a classic PDE of elliptic type that can describe the behavior of some kind of potential or the steady-state heat equation.
Poisson’s Equation
The Poisson’s Equation is a classical PDE of elliptic type that can describe, for example, electrostatics with a space charge density.
Helmholtz Equation
The Helmholtz Equation is a classical PDE of elliptic type that can represent, for example, a time-independent form of the wave equation.
Wave Equation
The Wave Equation is a classic PDE of hyperbolic type. It is a second-order PDE that describes waves, such as sound waves, light waves, and water waves.
Heat Equation
The Heat Equation is a classical PDE of parabolic type that describes time-dependent heat transfer by diffusion or other diffusion processes.
Convection-Diffusion Equation
The Convection-Diffusion Equation is a classical PDE that describes time-dependent transport by convection and diffusion.
Stabilized Convection-Diffusion Equation
The Stabilized Convection-Diffusion Equation is a classical PDE that describes time-dependent transport by convection and diffusion and includes numerical stabilization for solving convection-dominated problems.