This is an ellipse in p-q plane, with a cross section independent of the Lode angle. Note that
q, and
pc are positive variables.
The parameter M > 0 defines the slope of the
critical state line in the
p-q space. This parameter can be related to the angle of internal friction
φ in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion as
In the modified Cam-Clay model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc, which depends on the volumetric plastic strain
εp,vol as

The evolution of the consolidation pressure depends on the values for the reference void ratio eref, the
swelling index κ,
and the compression index λ, which are positive parameters that fulfill
The void ratio e is the ratio between pore volume and solid volume. It can be written in terms of the porosity φ as e = φ/(1−φ).
The compression index λ is the slope of the
virgin isotropic consolidation line, and the swelling index
κ is the slope of the
rebound-reloading line (also called loading-reloading line) in the
e versus
ln(p) plane.

Here, σ is the stress tensor,
ε is the total strain tensor,
εinel is the inelastic strain tensor,
σ0 is the initial or external stress tensor, and
C is the fourth-order elasticity tensor. Assuming only elastic stresses in a linear isotropic elastic medium, Hooke’s law simplifies to
where K is the bulk modulus and
G is the shear modulus. By using the convention that the pressure is the mean stress defined as positive in compression, the trace of the stress tensor is linearly related to the volumetric elastic strain
εel,vol (the trace of the elastic strain tensor) by the bulk modulus
here, the pressure p is positive in compression, but the elastic volumetric strain
εel,vol is positive in tension.
As opposed to a Linear Elastic Material, the modified Cam-Clay soil model introduces a nonlinear relation for the hydrostatic pressure as a function of the volumetric elastic strain:
here, the reference pressure pref is the pressure at which the reference void ratio
eref was measured, and
κ is the
swelling index.
The initial bulk modulus is then given by the expression K0 =
Belpref, and the tangent bulk modulus by the expression
Kt =
Belpmcc. See also the section
Tangent and secant moduli.
The yield surface and the associated flow rule (Qp =
Fy) give the rate equation for the plastic strains. The plastic strain tensor
εp is calculated from the plastic multiplier
λp and the derivatives of the plastic potential
Qp with respect to the stress tensor
This relation explains the reason why there is isotropic hardening when the pressure is
p > pc/2 and
isotropic softening when
p < pc/2. As opposed to what happens in
J2 plasticity, in the modified Cam-Clay soil model the volumetric plastic strain can either increase or decrease as plastic deformation occurs.
When an external pore pressure pf is added to the modified Cam-Clay material, the yield function is shifted on the
p axis, and the yield function reads:
The quantity p − pf is normally regarded as the
effective pressure, or effective stress, which should not be confused with von Mises stress. To add the effect of a fluid pressure in the pores
pf to the Modified Cam-Clay material, add an
External Stress feature.
The structured Cam-Clay model (SCC) was developed (Ref. 20,
Ref. 21) to circumvent the limitations of the Cam-Clay model when applied to structured soils and clays. The SCC model, however, does not considered the influence of the soil structure neither on strength characteristics (especially cohesion) nor in the softening behavior, and it is also not suitable to model cemented clays.
In the MSCC model, the reduction of mean effective stress due to structure degradation, pb, depends on the shear plastic strain
εp,dev. The destructuring mechanism is the process of reducing structure strength due to the degradation and crushing of the structure. The structure degradation is given by

here, pbi is the initial structural strength,
pbf the failure structural strength,
εp,devc is the effective plastic strain at failure, and
ds is the destructuring index due to shear deformation.
where is e void ratio of the structured clay,
e* is void ratio of the destructured clay at the same stress state,
Δei is the additional void ratio at consolidation pressure, and
dv is the destructuring index due to volumetric deformation.
here, ς is a parameter to smooth the shape of the plastic potential.
As opposed to The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model, the slope of the critical state line,
M, depends on both the Lode angle
θ and the angle of internal friction

In the modified structured Cam-Clay soil model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc as a function of volumetric plastic strain, as described in
Equation 3-40 and the contribution to the mean stress due to the structure,
pb, as written in
Equation 3-41.
The so-called extended Barcelona Basic model (BBMx) was further developed to overcome the numerical limitations of the original BBM model (Ref. 23). The BBMx model presents a smooth yield surface with respect to both stress and suction, and it is the one implemented in the Geomechanics Module.
here, pcs is the consolidation pressure at current suction,
b is a dimensionless smoothing parameter, and
sy is the yield value at current suction. The tensile strength due to current suction,
ps, is linearly related to the suction level as
ps =
ks, where
k is the tension to suction ratio.
As described in the modified Cam-Clay model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc, which depends on the volumetric plastic strain
εp,vol as

The evolution of the consolidation pressure depends on the values for the reference void ratio eref, the
swelling index κ,
and the compression index λ, which are positive parameters.
The evolution of the yield value at current suction sy is also governed by the volumetric plastic strain
εpl,vol as

where λs is the compression index at current suction and
patm is the atmospheric pressure. Note that
Equation 3-42 and
Equation 3-43 are normally given with opposite sign, but here we use Structural Mechanics convention so the increments in consolidation pressure and suction are positive in compression.
where λ0 is the compression index at saturation and the compression index at current suction,
λs, is given by
where w and
m are weighting and soil stiffness parameters.
In the BBMx model, the suction s is linearly related to the volumetric elastic strain
εel,vol and the pressure
here K is the bulk modulus,
Kc the stiffness to suction, and
s0 is the initial value of suction. The pressure
p is positive in compression, but the elastic volumetric strain
εel,vol is positive in tension.
The stiffness modulus for primary loading, denoted by E50, and for unloading/reloading, denoted by
Eur, are given by the expressions
are reference stiffness moduli at reference pressure pref,
c is the cohesion, phi is the angle of internal friction, and
m is the stress exponent. From the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, the ultimate deviatoric stress,
qf, and the stress to failure
qa are defined as
where Rf is failure ratio.
here, γp is the accumulated plastic shear strain, and
ψm is the mobilized dilatancy angle.
here, Rc is ellipse aspect ratio.
The evolution of the internal variables pc and
γp are governed by the volumetric plastic strain
εpl,vol and the plastic strain invariant
J2 (εpl) as
here, H is the hardening modulus, which is derived from the bulk modulus in compression (for primary loading)
Kc, and the bulk modulus in swelling (for unloading and reloading)
where C is a function of the stiffness modulus
Eur and Poisson’s ratio