Rigid Connector
The Rigid Connector is a boundary condition for modeling rigid regions and kinematic constraints such as prescribed rigid rotations. The selected shell edges will move as a single rigid object, irrespective of whether they are geometrically adjacent or not.
If the study step is geometrically nonlinear, the rigid connector takes finite rotations into account. The feature is similar to the rigid connectors in the Solid Mechanics and Beam interfaces. Rigid connectors from the Shell, Beam and Solid Mechanics interfaces can be attached to each other.
You can add functionality to the rigid connector through the following subnodes.
Applied Force (Rigid Connector) to apply a force in given point.
Mass and Moment of Inertia (Rigid Connector) to add extra mass and moment of inertia in a given point.
Spring Foundation (Rigid Connector) to add a translational or rotational spring or damper in a given point.
Layer Selection
For a general description of this section, see The Layer Selection Section
All other settings for the Rigid Connector node are described in the documentation for Rigid Connector in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Layered Shell>Connections>Rigid Connector
Physics tab with  Layered Shell selected:
Edges>Connections>Rigid Connector