Applied Force (Rigid Connector)
Use the Applied Force to apply a force to the rigid connector. The force can act at an arbitrary position in space, and if it is not located at the center of rotation, there it is also a moment contribution. The directions of the force is fixed in space and does not follow the rotation of the rigid connector.
Coordinate System Selection
Select a Coordinate system for specifying the directions of the force.
Select an option from the list: Center of rotation or User defined. This is the location where the force is applied.
For Center of rotation, the location of the load is taken as the center of rotation as defined in the parent Rigid Connector node.
For User defined, enter the Location (global coordinates), Xp, in the table.
Select the Offset check box to add an optional offset vector to the definition of the location. Enter values for the offset vector Xoffset.
The location used is the sum of the vector obtained from any of the input methods and the offset vector.
Applied Force
Enter values or expressions for the components of the Applied force F. The direction coordinate names can vary depending on the selected coordinate system.
You can add the Phase subnode to specify the phase of this load in a frequency domain analysis.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Solid Mechanics>Rigid Connector>Applied Force
Shell>Rigid Connector>Applied Force
Beam>Rigid Connector>Applied Force
Multibody Dynamics>Rigid Connector>Applied Force
Physics tab with Rigid Connector node selected in the model tree:
Attributes>Applied Force