Computing Monochromatic Aberrations
The Optical Aberration plot and the Aberration Evaluation derived values node are used to analyze the performance of lens systems within the limit of the geometrical optics approach. In order to use the Optical Aberration plot, the following prerequisites must be met:
The Compute optical path length check box must be selected in the Geometrical Optics Settings window before solving.
An Intersection Point 3D data set must be created. This data set must point to a Ray data set.
In the Settings window for the Intersection Point 3D data set, Hemisphere must be selected from the Surface type list. The Center is the location of the focus and the Axis direction points from the focus toward the center of the exit pupil.
Using the hemisphere defined in the Intersection Point 3D data set, a Gaussian reference sphere is defined.
Zernike Polynomials
A standard way to quantify monochromatic aberrations is to express the optical path difference of all incident rays as a linear combination of Zernike polynomials.
Several different standards exist for naming, normalizing, and organizing the Zernike polynomials. The approach used in this section follows the standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, Ref. 2) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI, Ref. 3).
Each Zernike polynomial can be expressed as
is the normalization term,
is the radial term,
is the meridional term or azimuthal term,
ρ is the radial parameter, given by ρ = r/a where r is the distance from the aperture center and a is the aperture radius, so that 0 ≤ ρ ≤ 1,
θ is the meridional parameter or azimuthal angle, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π,
the lower index n is a nonnegative integer, = 0,1,2…, and
the upper index m is an integer, m = -n,-n+2…n-2,n so that is always even.
The normalization term is
where is the Kronecker delta,
The radial term is given by the equation
where “!” denotes the factorial operator; for nonnegative integers,
The meridional term is given by the equation
The Zernike polynomials thus defined are normalized Zernike polynomials. They are orthogonal in the sense that any pair of Zernike polynomials satisfy the equation
The normalized Zernike polynomials up to fifth order, along with their common names, are given in Table 2-1.
† This term differs from the expression in Table E.1 in ISO 24157:2008 (Ref. 2), which contains an error.
‡ This term differs from the expressions in Table E.1 in ISO 24157:2008 (Ref. 2) and in Annex E in ANSI Z80.28-2010 (Ref. 3), both of which contain an error.
Figure 2-14: Zernike polynomials on the unit circle.
In the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual: