Poincaré Map
Use a Poincaré Map plot () to visualize particle trajectories using a Poincaré map (sometimes called a first recurrence map). Add a Color Expression as needed.
The Poincaré map is constructed by first defining a Cut Plane () on the Particle data set (). Then add a 3D Plot Group or a 2D Plot Group, depending on the dimension of the particle trajectories, and right-click the plot group node to add these plots from the More Plots submenu.
This plot type is useful to visualize the particle trajectories in a plot that represents the position of the particles in a section that is usually transversal to the particle trajectories. The Poincaré map represents the particle trajectories in a space dimension that is one dimension lower than the original particle space.
The Poincaré map parent plot group should point to this cut plane (select a Cut plane data set under Data). The resulting plot places a dot on the cut plane at the location where a particle crossed the plane. The same particle can cross the cut plane multiple times.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Title, Inherit Style, and Coloring and Style.