Common Results Node Settings
Under Results Overview, there are common sections on the Settings windows. Table 20-1 provides cross references to the information relevant to these nodes, although the same section can also be available for other nodes throughout COMSOL Multiphysics. For the Coloring and Style section, see Table 20-2.
Common Buttons on the Settings Windows
The following buttons are available on many of the Settings windows and are mostly self-explanatory. These are not explicitly described or explained for every node.
In general, use the Move Up (), Move Down (), or Delete () button and the fields under tables to edit the table contents. Or right-click a table cell and select Move Up, Move Down, or Delete.
At any time during plot creation, click the Plot button () to preview a data set or plot. Or right-click the node and select Plot.
Click the Add to Selection (), Remove from Selection (), and Clear Selection () buttons when working with geometric entities in the selection windows and when required.
Click the Range button () to define a range.
Click the Go to Source button () to move to the node to which the selection in the list next to the button refers.
Click the Evaluate button () or right-click the Derived Values node and select Evaluate All () or Clear and Evaluate All ().
Links to Common Settings Window Descriptions
Coloring and Style