Inputs for Parametric Solver and Parametric Sweep Studies
This information is useful when defining plots or derived values for Parametric Solver and Parametric Sweep studies using the settings in the Data section.
When setting parameters for parametric sweep studies in a node under Results, the available settings depend on the problem type. For a time-dependent parametric simulation, for example, you can select both time steps and parameter values. Similarly, an eigenvalue or eigenmode problem contains both eigenvalues or eigenmodes and parameter settings. In parametric sweeps, the time and eigenvalue settings are referred to as the inner solutions. Thus, in a graph plot for a parametric eigenvalue solution, for example, the axis source data for the x-axis data controls whether you want the inner solutions (eigenvalues) or outer solutions (parametric solutions) on the x-axis.
For Parametric Solver and Parametric Sweep studies, the Parameter selection list includes options for selecting solutions using the associated parameter values.
Any or all of the time steps can be selected from the Time selection list, or select Interpolated to get the same interpolated times for every parameter. Similar selections are available for eigenvalues and their associated eigenmodes.
If Interpolated times is selected, enter Times or click the Range button () to select and define specific times.
If Manual times is selected, enter Time indices or click the Range button () to select and define specific times.
When available, from the Table columns list, select Inner solutions or Outer solutions. These options are available when there is a Parametric Sweep problem with dynamic inner solutions (that is to say, time, eigenvalue, or parametric solutions).
If Inner solutions is selected, when the Evaluate button () is clicked, the results table displays the dynamic value (for example, time, eigenvalue, or parametric) solutions in rows.
If Outer solutions is selected, when the Evaluate button () is clicked, the results table displays the parameters in rows.