Data Sets
About Data Sets
Data sets refer to the source of data for creating Plots and Reports. It can be a Solution, a Mesh, or some transformation or cut plane applied to other data sets — that is, you can create new data sets from other data sets. You add data sets to the Data Sets branch () under Results.
All plots refer to data sets; the solutions are always available as default data sets. Characteristics of a data set include:
The base data set maps to a solution and geometry or some other source of data. An example of a transformation data set is Revolution 2D, which sweeps a 2D data set into 3D.
Adding a Data Set to the Model Builder
In the Model Builder under Results (), right-click Data Sets () and select an option from the context menu. Continue defining each data set as described. See Table 20-7 for links to all the types of data sets.
Adding a Selection to a Data Set
For data sets that contain data defined in the model, such as Solution data sets () and Mesh data sets (), you can add a selection so that the results and plots use a subset of the geometry. As an alternative, you can add Selection subnode to some of the plot nodes. See Selection (Plot Attribute).
To add a Selection to a data set:
On the Results toolbar, click Selection ().
Under Results>Data Sets, right-click a Solution data set and choose Selection ().
In the Selection subnode (), select the geometric entities for which you want to include data in the data set using the Graphics window and the settings under Geometric Entity Selection in the Selection subnode’s Settings window. Select the Propagate to lower dimensions check box to make a selection of domains, for example, also include their adjacent boundaries, edges, and points. This can be convenient when using Surface plots on the boundaries of a 3D geometry, for example.
Also Remesh a Deformed Configuration for a data set. See Deformed Configuration.
See Data Set Types for links to the data set descriptions.