The Selection subnode (
) provides the possibility to define a selection for some plots. Add it to make the plot appear only in some geometric entities (some domains, for example). Arrow Line, Arrow Surface, Arrow Volume, Contour, Coordinate System Line, Coordinate System Surface, Coordinate System Volume, Isosurface, Line, Max/Min Line, Max/Min Surface, Max/Min Volume, Multislice, Principal Stress Volume, Principal Stress Surface, Slice, Streamline, Surface, and Volume plots support the Selection attribute. In the
Model Builder, add one of those plot types; then right-click the plot node and select
From the Selection list, choose Manual to select the geometric entities (domains or boundaries, for example, depending on the plot type) directly in the Graphics window or using the tools in the
Selection section. You can also select
All domains or
All boundaries, for example, or any applicable selection defined in the model..