Material Density in Features Defined on the Material Frame
In a model the features defined on the material frame with an input field for the density expect the density on the material frame, defined for the reference geometry. Hence this density is constant in most cases. A non constant density in the material frame means that there is addition or removal of matter.
As a consequence when the material is defined from a material library and is temperature dependent, a constant reference temperature should be used for the definition of the density in the Material Contents table.
This reference temperature defines the density in the reference geometry that should match with the geometry in the material frame.
Following Table 3-6, Table 3-7, Table 3-8, and Table 3-9, this concerns the following features: Solid, Porous Medium, Biological Tissue, Thin Layer, Fracture, Thin Rod, Thin Conductive Layer (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface), and Thin Layered Shell (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface).