Heat Transfer Analysis with Moving Frames
This section discusses heat transfer analysis with moving frames, when spatial and material frames do not coincide.
About Frames in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual
When the Enable conversions between material and spatial frame check box is selected in the Advanced Settings section, all heat transfer interfaces account for deformation effects on heat transfer properties.
The entire physics (equations and variables) are defined on the spatial frame. When a moving mesh is detected, the user inputs for certain features are defined on the material frame and are converted so that all the corresponding variables contain the value on the spatial frame.
This subsection contains the list of all heat transfer nodes and the corresponding definition frame:
Physics Feature Nodes and Definition Frame
The following explains the different values listed in the definition frame column in Table 3-6, Table 3-7, Table 3-8, and Table 3-9:
The inputs are entered by the user and defined on the material frame. Because the heat transfer variables and equations are defined on the spatial frame, the inputs are internally converted to the spatial frame.
The inputs are entered by the user and defined on the spatial frame. No conversion is done.
For these physics nodes, select from a menu to decide if the inputs are defined on the material or spatial frame. The default definition frame is the material frame.
For these physics nodes, select from a menu to decide if the inputs are defined on the material or spatial frame. The default definition frame is the spatial frame.
There is no definition frame for this physics node.
Definition Frame of Domain Nodes
Definition Frame of Boundary Nodes
The definition frames of the corresponding pair features are identical to the ones of the standard features.
Definition Frame of Edge and Point Nodes
Table 3-9: Heat Transfer in thin shells nodes