Thin Layered Shell (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface)
Use this node on the boundary of a thin shell. This overrides Thin Conductive Layer (Heat Transfer in Thin Shells Interface) to enable modeling multiple sandwich layers in the shell interface.
Heat Conduction
Select the Number of layers to define (1 to 5) and set the properties for each layer.
Select an option from the Layer (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) list to assign a material to each layer. The default setting, Boundary material, takes the material from the boundary.
For each layer, enter the Layer thickness ds.
The default Thermal conductivity ks is taken From material, which is then taken from the material selected in Layer (1, 2, ...). For User defined enter another value or expression.
Set the following properties for each Layer.
By default the Layer density ρs and Layer heat capacity Cps values are taken From material. See Material Density in Features Defined on the Material Frame if a temperature-dependent density should be set. For User defined enter other values or expressions.
Layer Discretization
This section is available when the Layer type is set to General. Define the Number of elements per layer used for the discretization of the thickness for each layer (the default is 2).
Location in User Interface
Context menus
Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Thin Layered Shell
Physics Tab with Heat Transfer in Thin Shells selected:
Boundaries>Heat Transfer in Thin Shells>Thin Layered Shell