Isosurface (Plot)
Plot a scalar quantity as an Isosurface () plot in 3D. An isosurface plot displays a quantity as a colored set of isosurfaces on which the result has a constant value. The plot can also color isosurfaces based on an independent quantity. You can move the isosurfaces interactively. Add Deformation, Color Expression, or Filter subnodes as needed. Right-click a 3D Plot Group to add this plot type.
Before plotting, select the Interactive check box to move the isosurfaces defined in this Isosurface node interactively using the slider or by entering a shift in the Shift field. A zero shift represents the original position of the isosurfaces.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Expression, Title, Levels, Coloring and Style, Quality, and Inherit Style.