Add a Filter () subnode to these 2D and 3D plots: arrow, contour, isosurface, line plot, slice, volume, and max/min plots. Filters make it possible to filter (limit) the plot using a logical expression that provides a criterion for which parts of the plot to include. In the Model Builder, add and define a 2D Plot Group or 3D Plot Group with one or more plot nodes. Right-click the plot node (for example, 2D Surface) and select Filter.
Element Selection
Under Element Selection, enter a Logical expression for inclusion. Enter any logical expression using predefined variables and unit syntax if desired. For example, x>2[cm] filters the plot to only include the part of the geometry where x > 2 cm.
Select the Element nodes to fulfill expression: All, At least one, At least one but not all, or Smooth (the default):
Using the default setting, Smooth, edges of the filter domain become smooth instead of consisting of entire elements.
Select All to include all elements for which all element nodes (that is, the entire element) fulfill the criterion in the logical expression.
Select At least one to include all elements for which at least one element node fulfills the criterion in the logical expression (that is, elements that fully or partially fulfill the expression).
Select At least one but not all to include all elements for which at least one of the element nodes, but not all of them, fulfill the criterion in the logical expression. The last option is useful for making a filter that shows the plot for a zone around a boundary where the logical expression becomes true.