The k-ω Turbulence Model
The k-ω model solves for the turbulent kinetic energy, k, and for the dissipation per unit turbulent kinetic energy, ω. ω is also commonly know as the specific dissipation rate. The CFD Module has the Wilcox revised k-ω model (Ref. 1)
where in turn Ωij is the mean rotation-rate tensor
and Sij is the mean strain-rate tensor
Pk is given by Equation 3-78. The following auxiliary relations for the dissipation, ε, and the turbulent mixing length, l, are also used:
Mixing Length Limit and Realizability Constraints
The implementation of the k-ω model relies on the same concepts as the k-ε model (Ref. 10). This means that the following approximations have been used:
where lr is the limit given by the realizability constraints (Equation 3-83 and Equation 3-84).
Wall Boundary Conditions
Automatic Wall Treatment
The automatic wall treatment is a way to obtain an accurate low-Reynolds-number formulation when the mesh allows it, and to fall back on a wall function formulation when the mesh is coarse. It is a blending between the solutions in the linear sublayer and the logarithmic layer respectively. For the specific dissipation, these solutions read
The corresponding expressions for the velocity is
where δw is the distance to the nearest wall, κv, is the von Kárman constant (default value 0.41), U|| is the velocity parallel to the wall and B is a constant that by default is set to 5.2. Menter et al. (Ref. 9) suggested the following smooth blending expressions for ω and uτ:
These expression can be combined with the lift-off concept shown in Figure 3-9 which gives δw = hw/2. The wall condition for ω is given by Equation 3-93 and the conditions for the momentum equations are a no-penetration condition u n = 0 and a shear stress condition
The k-equation formally fulfills both at the wall and in the log-layer, so this condition is applied for all δw+.
The system given byEquation 3-85 through Equation 3-95 are however non-linear in uτ and not very stable. To circumvent this, a variable u∗, log is introduced (see Ref. 10 and Ref. 11) such that
This is then used in an alternative expression for the friction velocity:
Equation 3-97 is in turn is used to calculate an alternative dimensionless wall distance
Equation 3-97 is used instead of uτ in the expression for ωlog and Equation 3-98 is used instead of δw+ in the expression for uτlog. The traction condition in Equation 3-95 is replaced by
Observe that the variable u+ is calculated using equation Equation 3-94.
The resulting wall resolution, δw+, is available as the postprocessing variable Delta_wPlus.
Wall Functions
When Wall Treatment is set to Wall functions, wall boundaries are treated with the same type of boundary conditions as for the k-ε model (see Wall Functions) with Cμ replaced by and the boundary condition for ω given by
Low Reynolds Number
The k-ω turbulence model can be integrated all the way down to the wall and is consistent with the no-slip condition u = 0. Since all velocities must disappear on the wall, so must k. Hence, k=0 on the wall.
The corresponding boundary condition for ω is
To avoid the singularity at the wall, ω is not solved for in the cells adjacent to a solid wall. Instead, its value is prescribed by Equation 3-101 (using the variable ωw, which only exists in those cells). Accurate solutions in the near-wall region require that,
where uτ is the friction velocity which is calculated from the wall shear-stress τw,
The boundary variable Distance to cell center in viscous units, lplus_cc, is available to ensure that the mesh is fine enough. According to Equation 3-102, should be about 0.5. Observe that very small values of can reduce the convergence rate.
Since the ωw requires the wall distance, a wall distance equation must be solved prior to solving a k-ω model with low-Reynolds-number wall treatment.
Initial Values
The default initial values are the same as for the k-ε model (see Initial Values) but with the initial value of ω given by
Scaling for Time-Dependent Simulations
The k-ω model applies absolute scales of the same type as the k-ε model (see Scaling for Time-Dependent Simulations) except that the scale for ω is given by
Model Properties
The k-ω model can in many cases give results that are superior to those obtained with the k-ε model (Ref. 1). It behaves, for example, much better for flat plate flows with adverse or favorable pressure gradients. However, there are two main drawbacks. The first is that the k-ω model can display a relatively strong sensitivity to free stream inlet values of ω. The other is that the k-ω model is numerically less robust than the k-ε model.