Enclosed Cavity
Add an Enclosed Cavity node to indicate that certain boundaries represent a closed cavity within a solid. The Enclosed Cavity node primarily defines variables for the cavity volume in the undeformed and deformed configurations.
The cavity can be filled with a compressible or an incompressible fluid by adding a Fluid subnode, see Fluid (Enclosed Cavity). In this case, the pressure inside the cavity is governed by an equation of state, and the pressure changes when the enclosed volume changes due to external loads. It is also possible to apply a constant pressure, or an initial overpressure using the Prescribed Pressure node, see Prescribed Pressure (Enclosed Cavity).
The Enclosed Cavity node can be used without any subnodes. In this case, variables for the enclosed volume in the undeformed and the deformed configurations are created, and they can be evaluated typically during postprocessing.
The Enclosed Cavity node is only available with some COMSOL products (see https://www.comsol.com/products/specifications/).
An example can be found in Hyperelastic Seal: Application Library path Nonlinear_Structural_Materials_Module/Hyperelasticity/hyperelastic_seal
See also Enclosed Fluids in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Reference Point Selection
This section is only visible if the Volume type is Open surface and Reference point is From selection. In that case, select one point, representing the reference point Xref.
Volume Definition
Select the Volume type Closed surface (default) or Open surface. Choose Open surface when the selected boundaries do not form a closed volume due to, for instance, mirror and sector symmetries, or a plane end cap.
For Open surface, select the Reference point From selection (default) or User defined. The reference point, Xref, must be carefully selected according to the rules defined above.
When From selection is selected, select a reference point, Xref, in the Reference Point section.
When User defined is selected, enter the coordinates for Xref.
Enter the Volume scale factor fV.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Solid Mechanics selected: