Fiber (Thin Layer)
Add one or more Fiber nodes to add stiffness in specified directions to a material in a thin layer. The Fiber feature can be used together with Linear Elastic Material, Nonlinear Elastic Material, or Hyperelastic Material when the Thin layer type in nonlayered. The assumption is that the volume of the fibers is small when compared to the base material.
You can include the effect of thermal expansion of the fiber by adding a Thermal Expansion subnode (see Thermal Expansion (Fiber)).
Fiber Model
Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material
Select a Material ModelLinear elastic or Uniaxial data.
From the Material list, select the Boundary material (the default) or any other material to define the fiber’s properties. In most cases, you would use the boundary material for the base material, and additional Material nodes without boundary selection as the fiber material. This selection will be overridden if you use the User defined option for a certain material property.
For Linear elastic, enter the Young’s modulus Efiber and Density ρfiber. The defaults are taken From material. Select User defined to enter other values or expressions.
For Uniaxial data, enter the Uniaxial stress function σax,a and Density ρfiber. The defaults are taken From material. Select User defined to enter other values or expressions. The default user defined expression for σax,a is the linear function 210[GPa]*<item>.eea, where the variable <item>.eea is the elastic strain in the fiber direction, and <item> corresponds to the tag of the Fiber node, for example solid.tl1.lemm1.fibt1. See Fibers for Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Materials in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter for details and more options.
Select the Stiffness in tension only check box in order to make the fibers contribute to the total stiffness only when the strain in the fibers is tensile.
Select the Contribute to total stress check box if the stress in the fibers should be added to the stress tensor of the parent material in an average sense. Usually, you do not want this, since the fiber stress would then affect other material options in the matrix material, such as plasticity.
Hyperelastic Material
Select a Material ModelHolzapfel–Gasser–Ogden, Linear elastic, Uniaxial data, or User defined.
From the Material list, select the Boundary material (the default) or any other material to define the fiber’s properties. In most cases, you would use the boundary material for the base material, and additional Material nodes without boundary selection as the fiber material. This selection will be overridden if you use the User defined option for a certain material property.
The Holzapfel–Gasser–Ogden model defines an exponential strain energy density Wfiber. The values for the Fiber stiffness k1, Model parameter k2, and Fiber dispersion k3 are as a default taken From material. Select User defined to enter other values or expressions.
Select Linear elastic or Uniaxial data to describe the fiber stiffness. See Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material for details.
If User defined is selected from the list, select a Material symmetryIsotropic, Transversely isotropic, or Anisotropic.
Depending on the choice, different stretch invariants are available to define the Fiber strain energy density Wfiber. The default expression for Wfiber is the function 0[Pa]*(<item>.IaCIe-1), where the variable <item>.IaCIe is the isochoric stretch invariant in the fiber direction, and <item> corresponds to the tags of the Fiber node, for example solid.tl1.hmm1.fibt1. See Fibers for Hyperelastic Materials in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter for details and more options.
For the Holzapfel–Gasser–Ogden model, select the Use isochoric deformation check box to account for the fiber incompressibility. See Compressible Fibers in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter for details.
Select the Stiffness in tension only check box in order to make the fibers contribute to the total stiffness only when the strain in the fibers is tensile.
Select the Contribute to total stress check box if the stress in the fibers should be added to the stress tensor of the parent material in an average sense. Usually, you do not want this, since the fiber stress would then affect other material options in the matrix material, such as plasticity.
Select a Fiber orientation from the list. The available choices are the axis directions of the coordinate system selected in the Coordinate System Selection section, or User defined. For User defined, enter a Direction. The direction vector a is interpreted in the in-plane directions of the selected coordinate system.
See also Distributed Fiber Models in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material, Nonlinear Elastic Material, or Hyperelastic Material node selected under a Thin Layer node in the model tree: