The Nonlinear Magnetostriction interface (

) combines Solid Mechanics and Magnetic Fields together with the constitutive relationships required to model magnetostrictive materials and devices. Both the direct and inverse magnetostriction effects can be modeled.
When a predefined Magnetostriction interface is added from the
Structural Mechanics branch (

) of the
Model Wizard or from
Add Physics windows,
Solid Mechanics and
Magnetic Fields interfaces are added to the Model Builder.
In addition, the Multiphysics node is added, which automatically includes the multiphysics coupling feature
The participating Solid Mechanics interface will use the default
Linear Elastic Material feature with its selection set to all domains. The
Magnetic Fields interface gets a default
Ampère’s Law, Nonlinear Magnetostrictive feature with similar settings.
When physics interfaces are added using the predefined multiphysics interfaces such as Nonlinear Magnetostriction, specific settings are included with the physics interfaces and the coupling features.
For example, if both Solid Mechanics and
Magnetic Fields interfaces are added, COMSOL Multiphysics adds an empty
Multiphysics node. You can choose the available coupling feature
Nonlinear Magnetostriction but the modified settings are not included.
The Nonlinear Magnetostriction coupling node is used to couple the interfaces.
Additional nodes and subnodes available with this multiphysics interface are described with the interfaces where they are available. Mechanical Damping and
Thermal Expansion subnodes are available for
Nonlinear Magnetostrictive Material under the Solid Mechanics interface. The
Ampère’s Law, Nonlinear Magnetostrictive feature is described for the Magnetic Fields interface.