Global Least-Squares Objective
Add a Global Least-Squares Objective feature () by right-clicking a Component node and choose it from the Parameter Estimation submenu. The Global Least-Squares Objective feature includes the following settings:
Experimental data
The settings in the Experimental Data section are identical to the corresponding settings in the Parameter Estimation study step, except the Data source setting does not have the Selected Least-Squares objectives or All Least-Squares objectives options. The rest of the settings are identical, see Experimental Data under The Parameter Estimation Study.
Data Column Settings
The settings in the Data Column Settings section are identical to the corresponding settings in the Parameter Estimation study step. See Data Column Settings under The Parameter Estimation Study.
Experimental Conditions
The settings in the Experimental Conditions section are identical to the corresponding settings in the Parameter Estimation study step. See Estimated Parameters under The Parameter Estimation Study.