Applied Filter Pills
The currently applied filters in the Open, Select File, Select Model, and Model Manager windows are shown as filter pills above the search result.The pill’s text is a short summary of the filter. Click a pill and select Edit () to edit an existing filter via The Filter Dialog Box. Select Remove () to remove a filter.
The filters are combined using AND-logic when searching, meaning that each item version found in the search result satisfy the conditions of all filters. Click a pill and select Disable () to temporarily disable the application of that filter in the search. Editing a disabled filter via The Filter Dialog Box will not automatically enable it. Click a disabled filter pill and select Enable () to enable it again.
Selecting All Versions in Database () when an unsupported filter for that search mode has already been applied will automatically disable the filter and show a warning triangle () on the pill. The same will happen if connecting to an older Model Manager server database that does not support the corresponding filter expression. It will not be possible to edit or enable the filter unless returning to a search target for which the filter is supported.