The Filter Dialog Box
You can apply filters to a model and file search from the Filter dialog box. Click the Add Filter button () from the toolbar of the Open, Select File, Select Model, or Model Manager windows. Select one of the Item Filters or Content Filters in the menu. The Filter dialog box is opened with fields and options appropriate for the selected filter.
The Filter field shows the name of the selected filter. The other input fields depend on which of the filters you selected.
Select any of the Filter Options under Options to quickly modify how the filter’s field values will be combined and interpreted. You can see a preview of the corresponding filter query expression written using The Model Manager Search Syntax under Filter query preview.
Spaces entered in an input field for a Text Field in the Filter dialog box will be automatically replaced by Boolean OR operators by default — note the generated filter query expression under Filter query preview. This is in contrast to when writing a custom filter query using The Model Manager Search Syntax in which spaces are interpreted as Boolean AND if no Boolean operator is explicitly written.
Spaces entered in an input field for a Keyword Field in the Filter dialog box will be automatically escaped — see Escaping Reserved Characters.
Click the Customize filter query button () to replace the filter query with your own customized query.
Click OK to apply the field values as a new filter.
Filter Options
You can modify how filters are applied in the Filter dialog box by selecting one of the filter options under Options.
Select Prefix match to automatically append a wildcard to each search word in a Text Field or at the end of a Keyword Field. See also Wildcard Matching.
Select Match all terms to replace the OR-logic used between search words in an input field for a Text Field or selected check boxes in a Selection Field with AND-logic.
Select Match whole phrase to require that the search words match a sequence of words (that is, a phrase) in a Text Field or Keyword Field. See also Phrase Matching.
Select Negate match to require that the specified field values do not match any models or files in the search result. See also Negated Matching.