Logical Expression Selection (Geometry Sequences)
Use an Logical Expression Selection node () to make a selection of geometric entities or geometry objects based on a logical expression in terms of other named selections.
Geometric Entity Level
Based on space dimension, select a LevelObject, Domain, Boundary, Edge (3D only), or Point for the selections.
In the Logical expression field, enter a logical expression in terms of other named selections to define the resulting selection. You can use parentheses and the following Boolean operators: ||, &&, and ! for logical or (union), logical and (intersection), and logical not (complement), respectively. For example, the logical expression
(blk1 || adjsel2) && !swe1
means the union of selections blk1 and adjsel2 minus the selection swe1, where blk1 and swe1 are the tags of the geometry primitives and operations creating the selections and adjsel2 is the tag of a selection feature.
Resulting Selection
By default, the Keep selection check box is selected. Clear the check box if you do not want the resulting selection to be available as a named selection in other nodes in the geometry sequence or other parts of the model tree. Doing so can be useful if you let the selection feature contribute to a cumulative selection; see below. If the Keep selection check box is selected, you can also determine if the selection should appear in applicable settings for physics, materials, and other parts of the model tree outside of the geometry using the Show in physics list (or Show in instances if the selection is in a geometry part; Show in 3D in a plane geometry under a work plane in a 3D component). If the geometric entity level is not set to Object (any of Domain, Boundary, Edge, or Point), choose On (the default) or Off to show the selection in physics and other settings or not. If the geometric entity level is Object, choose one of All levels (that is, all entity levels), Object selection (in geometry parts only), Domain selection, Boundary selection, Edge selection (3D only), Point selection, or Off. For Show in physics, All levels is the default; for Show in instances, Object selection is the default.
Cumulative Selection
From the Contribute to list, choose an option. In addition to available Cumulative Selection nodes, None is always available from the list. To create a new Cumulative Selection, click New. Enter a Name in the New Cumulative Selection window. Click OK or press enter. This new cumulative selection is now available from any Contribute to list for a geometry selection.
In this section, choose a color from the Color list for use with this selection. See Selection Colors.