The following pertains to the Direct attribute node. All linear system solvers above work on general sparse linear systems of the form
Ax = b and use LU factorization on the matrix
A to compute the solution
x. In doing so, they use a preordering algorithm that permutes the columns of
A to minimize the number of nonzeros in the
L and
U factors. Popular preordering algorithms include Minimum degree, Nested dissection, and Multisection. All solvers run distributed when running COMSOL Multiphysics in distributed mode (on clusters, for example). All linear system solvers benefit from shared memory parallelism (multicore processors, for example). MUMPS and PARDISO have an option for reusing the preordering, which speeds up the computation but leads to a higher memory peak.
The MUMPS solver works on general systems of the form Ax = b and uses several preordering algorithms to permute the columns and thereby minimize the fill-in. MUMPS is multithreaded on platforms that support multithreading and also supports solving on distributed memory architectures through the use of MPI. The code is written in Fortran 90. For further details about MUMPS, see
Ref. 1.
The PARDISO solver works on general systems of the form Ax = b. In order to improve sequential and parallel sparse numerical factorization performance, the solver algorithms are based on a Level-3 BLAS update, and they exploit pipelining parallelism with a combination of left-looking and right-looking supernode techniques. PARDISO is multithreaded on platforms that support multithreading. On distributed memory architectures, if you clear the
Parallel Direct Sparse Solver for Clusters check box or if you run PARDISO in the out-of-core mode, the solver settings are changed to corresponding MUMPS settings. The code is written in C and Fortran. COMSOL Multiphysics uses the PARDISO version developed by Olaf Schenk and collaborators (
Ref. 2), which is included with Intel
® MKL (Intel Math Kernel Libraries).
The SPOOLES solver works on general systems of the form Ax = b using the multifrontal method and direct LU factorization of the sparse matrix
A. When the matrix
A is symmetric or Hermitian, the solver uses an LDLT version of the algorithm, which saves half the memory. SPOOLES uses several preordering algorithms to permute the columns and thereby minimize fill-in. SPOOLES is multithreaded on platforms that support multithreading and also supports solving on distributed memory architectures through the use of MPI. The code is written in C. COMSOL uses SPOOLES version 2.2 developed by Cleve Ashcraft and collaborators (
Ref. 3).
The dense matrix solver works on general systems of the form Ax = b. The dense matrix solver uses LAPACK (
Ref. 4) for multithreaded solves and ScaLAPACK (
Ref. 5) for distributed memory architectures. This solver is mainly useful for cases where the system matrices are densely populated, such as boundary element (BEM) models.
A model with a real symmetric or Hermitian system matrix is often also positive definite, which means that a number of efficient linear system solvers are applicable. Further, the simple preconditioners SSOR, SOR, SORU, Jacobi (diagonal scaling), and the multigrid solvers benefit from a positive definite matrix. A real symmetric or Hermitian matrix is positive definite if all its eigenvalues are positive.
For stationary problems, the system matrix is the Jacobian (stiffness) matrix A. This means that stationary models in diffusion, electromagnetics, heat transfer by conduction, and structural mechanics usually have a positive definite system matrix.
For time-dependent problems, the system matrix is of the form A + σB + σ2C, where
B is the damping matrix,
C is the mass matrix, and
σ > 0 is inversely proportional to the time step (if
C = 0, then
B is often called the mass matrix). Because these matrices are often positive definite, time-dependent models in diffusion, electromagnetics, structural mechanics, and heat transfer by conduction usually have a positive definite system matrix.
For eigenvalue problems, the system matrix is of the form A − σB + σ2C, where
σ is the
shift — that is, the number around which the software searches for eigenvalues (specified in the
Search for eigenvalues around field; the default is 0). Because
B, and
C are usually positive definite, eigenvalue problems in acoustics, diffusion, electromagnetics, heat transfer by conduction, and structural mechanics usually have a positive definite system matrix if
σ ≤ 0.
The classes of elliptic and parabolic models include the positive definite models. For such models, the efficient multigrid preconditioners often perform well. A simplified definition of these classes reads as follows. A system of stationary or eigenvalue second-order PDEs is elliptic if the second-order terms in the PDE give rise to a positive definite Jacobian matrix. A system of time-dependent PDEs has a time derivative term of the form

, where the mass coefficient
da is often a positive definite matrix and the
ea coefficient is 0. Such a system is
parabolic if the second-order terms in the PDE give rise to a positive definite Jacobian matrix.