Phase Portrait
Use a Phase Portrait plot () for 2D and 2D axisymmetric models to visualize large datasets of particle trajectories. The traditional use of a phase portrait is to plot the particle position on the x-axis and the particle velocity on the y-axis. Each dot in the xy-plane represents a particle. By default, the position is taken as the distance from the origin (0, 0, 0) for 3D models. Add Color Expression and Material Appearance subnodes as needed. Right-click a 2D Plot Group to add this plot from the More Surface Plots submenu.
Select an option from the x-axis list: Position or Manual. If Manual is selected, enter an Expression (SI unit: m). Select an option from the y-axis list: Speed or Manual. If Manual is selected, enter an Expression (SI unit: m/s).
The plot is best represented if the magnitude of the x-axis data and y-axis data are equal. Therefore, it can be useful to normalize the data by selecting Manual from the x-axis and y-axis lists under Expression and applying a suitable scaling factor.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Title, Coloring and Style, and Inherit Style.