To display the option, click the Show More Options button (

) and select
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box;
then right-click the main physics interface node and select
Global>Discretization to add extra
Discretization nodes (

Use Discretization nodes to specify multiple discretizations (shape function type and order) for the same physics, typically using different element orders. In study steps and the
Multigrid Level subnodes, you can select among the discretizations specified for each physics interface (in the main physics interface node’s
Settings window and in any added
Discretization nodes); see
Modifying the Model Configuration and
Multigrid Level. This may be used to manually create a multigrid hierarchy, or just to compare the effect of different discretizations in different studies.
The Discretization node’s
Settings window has one
Discretization section, and it contains the same list of shape function types and orders for the fields in the physics as the
Discretization section found in the main physics interface’s
Settings window.