Plot Group Contextual Toolbar
The plot group contextual toolbar is available after clicking a specific plot group in the Model Builder. The available tools are based on the model and the type of plot.
For step-by-step instructions and general documentation descriptions, this is generally referred to as the Plot Group toolbar, where the name of the toolbar changes based on the plot group (3D Plot Group, 2D Plot Group, 1D Plot Group, or Polar Plot Group). If the plot group is renamed, the toolbar name also changes to match the new name, as in the example above where the 3D Plot Group toolbar was renamed Stress (solid).
Add Plot
See Table 21-11 for the available plots by Plot Group (3D, 2D, 1D, or Polar Plot Groups).
Attributes (not all attributes are available for all space dimensions)
Add an Energy Decay attribute from the More Attributes menu to the currently selected 1D plot.
Add an Error Bars attribute from the More Attributes menu to the currently selected 1D plot.
Add an Export Expressions attribute from the More Attributes menu to the currently selected plot.
Add an Image attribute from the More Attributes menu to the currently selected plot
Add a Marker attribute from the More Attributes menu to add maximum and minimum markers to the currently selected plot.
Add a Translation attribute from the More Attributes menu to the currently selected plot to move (translate) it.
Select (available for creating cross-section plots)
See Table 21-13 for a list of the available buttons.
See Table 21-2 for a list of export options.