The Desktop color theme, which controls the look of all windows and user interface components except the Graphics window and the Help window. For the COMSOL Desktop, you can choose between a Default, Light, or Dark theme.
The Graphics color theme, which controls the colors in the Graphics windows. The default is Same as desktop color theme; that is, to use the same theme as the desktop. You can also choose Basic, COMSOL, Dark, DarkSelection, Default, Light, LightSelection, and RYB.
The Image export color theme, which controls the look of exported images. The reason to have a separate setting is to make it possible to, for example, run the COMSOL Desktop in dark mode while still making light-mode image files. The Default color theme is the default setting. You can also choose Same as graphics color theme, Basic, COMSOL, Dark, DarkSelection, Light, LightSelection, and RYB. You can also specify the color theme when printing and exporting images using the Print and Image Snapshot dialog boxes (see Capturing and Copying Screenshots).
When using the dark mode on Linux®, some controls take their color from the operating system’s theme. It is therefore recommended to pick an operating system theme that works well together with the COMSOL theme (a dark-looking theme in Linux together with the dark mode in the COMSOL Desktop, for instance).