Color Tables and Color Themes
About Color Tables
Color table files are used when plotting. When COMSOL Multiphysics is loaded, it reads all files in the following directories:
data/colortables/ in the directory where COMSOL is installed.
The user settings directory .comsol/v6.2/colortables under your local home directory.
Files that adhere to the format specified in this section are made available as color tables, including any user-defined color table files that you have added.
In the examples below, a space is used as a separator in the color table files. You can also use a tab, comma, or semicolon as the separator.
In this section:
You can also add color tables to a model through the COMSOL API and in the COMSOL Desktop. See Custom Color Tables in this book and Custom Color Tables in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual for more information.
For information about available color tables, see Selecting Color Tables in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.