Add or turn off visual effects such as lighting and shadows for some 3D plot types and 2D plot types with a height attribute.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).create(<atag>,"VisualEffects") adds a feature for adding or turning off visual effects named <atag> as an attribute to an annotation, arrow, contour, coordinate system, image, isosurface, layered material slice, line, max/min, mesh, multislice, particle tracing, particle tracing with mass, particle trajectories, pellets, Poincaré map, point, point trajectories, principal stress, radiation pattern, ray trajectories, scatter volume, slice, streamline, streamline multislice, streamline surface, surface, surface slit, table annotation, volume, waterfall, or whirl 3D plot named <ftag> or to a contour, function, histogram, matrix histogram, table contour, table histogram, line, optical aberration, surface, or table surface 2D plot named <ftag> and using a height expression attribute. The visual effects may not be visible for all plot types that support them, but the effects will be visible for all plots that include surfaces.
The following properties are available:
true | false
auto | manual
true | false
true | false
true | false
auto | manual
true | false
See Also
Height, AberrationHeight, HistogramHeight, TableHeight, MaterialAppearance, Surface (Plot), Transparency, Volume