A plot attribute for adding material appearance to 3D volume plots; 2D and 3D surface plots; isosurface plots; and radiation pattern plots; streamline, streamline multislice, and streamline surface plots; and surface data plots.
model.result(<pgtag>).feature(<ftag>).create(<atag>,"MaterialAppearance") adds a material appearance plot named <atag> as an attribute to a volume, surface or surface data, isosurface, or radiation pattern plot named <ftag>.
This plot attribute replaces the standard results plot with a material appearance.
The following properties are available:
material | custom
true | false
Use the selection for the material specified for the material property. Not available when material is set to none.
true | false
If appearance is set to custom, the following additional properties are available:
phong | cooktorrance | simple
on | off
See Also