The pointwise option Transfer matrix, pointwise couples the velocity and pressure independently at every point on the source/destination boundaries. This options requires the source and destination boundaries to be identical (they can be rotated). This option is typically used if the system that couples the source and destination can be assumed to only depend on the local acoustic properties, for example, parallel nearly independent waveguides in a DPF.
The lumped option Transfer matrix, lumped two-port couples the average pressure and volume flow of the source/destination boundaries. This option is valid for plane wave propagation in the system and can be applied to boundaries that have different sized/shapes as it couples average surfaces values.
For Use symmetries, select the Area multiplication factor Ascale as Automatic (the default) or enter a value for Ascale. The automatic option will analyze the geometry and look for symmetry conditions to calculate Ascale. The area scaling is necessary for computing the correct volume flow at the boundaries.
For the Selected boundaries, the area of the source and destination boundaries are taken as they are and no multiplication factor is applied.