Use periodic boundary conditions to make the solution equal on two different (but usually equally shaped) boundaries.
To add a periodic boundary condition, in the Model Builder, right-click a physics interface node and select
Periodic Condition. The periodic boundary condition typically implements standard periodicity so that
u(x0) = u(x1) (that is, the value of the solution is the same on the periodic boundaries). In most cases you can also choose antiperiodicity so that the solutions have opposing signs:
u(x0) = −u(x1). Other options such as Floquet periodicity or cyclic symmetry may be available. The periodicity is implemented in such a way that fluxes become periodic in the same way as the solution itself.
For fluid flow physics interfaces, the Periodic Flow Condition provides a similar periodic boundary condition but without a selection of periodicity. Instead, it allows specifying a pressure difference between the source and destination boundaries.
Typically, the periodic boundary conditions determine the source and destination boundaries automatically, but you can also add Destination Selection subnode to manually split the periodic boundary condition’s selection into source and destination selections.
The periodic condition applies a constraint on the destination selection, constraining the solution at each destination point rdst to be equal to the solution at a corresponding source point
rsrc. When the periodic condition is applied on surfaces in 3D or edges in 2D, the source point is computed using a rotation of the position relative to the destination and source centers of mass,
r0,dst and
where R is a rotation matrix encoding the relative orientation of the source and destination boundaries. It is normally determined automatically from the cross product of the source and destination boundary normal directions. That is, the rotation is performed about an axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the normal directions, which are evaluated at arbitrary points on each boundary.
The orientation settings appear in Orientation of Source and
Orientation of Destination sections in the
Periodic Condition node. To display the
Orientation of Destination settings, first select
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box. It is also not visible when the
Transform to intermediate map list in the
Orientation of Source section is set to its default value,
Automatic. Other possible values represent coordinate systems, including all coordinate system nodes defined in the component as well as the canonical
Global coordinate system. The latter is the default choice for the
Orientation of Destination section.
The chosen source and destination coordinate systems define transformation matrices, Tsrc and
Tdst, whose row index refers to local coordinate system components, while the column index refers to global coordinates on the source and destination selections, respectively. A rotation matrix as defined by
Equation 3-2 is computed by assuming that the source and destination coordinate system coordinates refer to the same basis:
In general, the Nodal constraint method is recommended for periodic conditions. When the
Elemental constraint method is used for periodic conditions, the elementwise mapping for compatible meshes can lead to locking effects. This problem can be prevented by setting the value of the
Elementwise mapping for compatible meshes list to
Off when the
Elemental constraint method is used.
If you have selected On or
Require compatible meshes, a
Tolerance for compatible meshes field appears, where you can specify the relative tolerance, compared to the mesh element size, for when the mesh elements are considered compatible (default: 0.001).