The Database Toolbar
The Database toolbar contains buttons for tasks common to a database shared between multiple users — that is, a server database accessed via a Model Manager server.
The Database Section
This section contains the same Activate Database button and Add Database button also available in the Database section on The Home Toolbar. The Databases button () toggles the visibility of The Databases Window.
The Repository Section
This section contains buttons for Advanced Version Control functionality:
The Repository button (), to add a new repository in a database. See Adding Repositories.
The Branch button (), to create a new branch from an existing branch, snapshot, or commit. See Creating a New Branch.
The Snapshot button (), to record a point-in-time snapshot of all items with respect to a particular commit. See Recording Snapshots.
The Merge button (), to merge modifications of items with respect to a source location into a target branch. See Merging.
The Permissions Section
The Permissions section contains buttons for controlling access to various objects in the database, including setting ownership and permission requirements:
Click the Owner button () to set the user that owns a particular database object. See Transfer Ownership.
Click the Permissions () button to set the permission requirements for a particular database object. See Granting Permissions.
Click the Permission Template () button to create a new template of predefined permission requirements that can be reused for database objects. See Creating your own Permission Templates.
The Users Section
This section contains buttons for managing users and groups:
The User button (), to add a new user in the database. See Adding Users.
The Group button (), to add a new group in the database. See Adding Groups.
The Maintenance Section
This section contains buttons for performing maintenance operations in the database:
The Cleanup button (), to optimize database storage by performing data deduplication and cleanup of unused data present after permanent deletions. See Database Cleanup.
The Compact button (), to optimize a local database by compacting the database file. See Compacting Local Databases.