Reusing Permission Assignments Using Permission Templates
You can create your own Permission Templates to reuse permission assignments for different database objects. This saves you the tedious work of manually granting the same set of permissions to users and groups for multiple database object. Creating your own permission templates also enables you to propagate permission requirement changes to multiple database objects by only updating the permissions in one place — the permission assignments of the permission template itself.
Predefined Permission Templates
Model Manager comes with three predefined permission templates for each of the database object types — Public, Protected, and Private. Dividing the permissions in the Permission Catalog into read permissions and write permissions:
Creating your own Permission Templates
You can create new permission templates for models or files in the Model Manager workspace.
Click Permission Template () in the Permissions section of the Database toolbar to open the Add Permission Template dialog box. The Database field shows the label of the database in which the template is added.
Select whether to add a Model or File permission template in the Type field.
Click OK to add the new permission template to the database.
The added permission template appears as a new child node to the Permission Templates node under Security in The Databases Tree.