Item Filters
Item filters match on field values typically found in the Version section and Tags section for Model Settings and File Settings.
Item Title
The Item Title filter () is a Text Field filter that matches on the title of a model or file. You may find this filter useful when the searched title is a word commonly found also in descriptions and tags, such that performing a Full Text Search would yield too many results.
Item Description
The Item Description filter () is a Text Field filter that matches on the description of a model or file. Similar to an Item Title filter, you may find this useful when the searched description is also a common title or tag.
Item Tag
The Item Tag filter () is a Selection Field filter that matches on the assigned tags of a model or file. Select one or more tags in The Tag Tree shown in the Filter dialog box. Click Clear Tags () to clear all selections — the filter will then match on all items.
You will notice that the generated filter query under Filter query preview does not show the titles of the tags, but rather their unique keys in the database. This is to ensure that you find exactly the items tagged by the selected tag, and not items tagged by a tag that happen to share the same title.
Item Type
The Item Type filter () is a Selection Field filter on the Item Types of a model or file version. Select from Model, Application, Physics, File, and Fileset.
Save Type
The Save Type filter () is a Selection Field filter on the Save Types of a model or file (the latter only has regular as save type). Select from Regular and Draft.
Last Modified
The Last Modified filter () is a Date Field filter for when the latest version was saved. Select one of the date shorthands in the Range list to use a preset date interval. Select Manual and write a start date in the From field and an end date in the To field. Leave one or both input fields empty to not set a corresponding bound.
Last Modified By
The Last Modified By filter () is a Selection Field filter on the user that saved the latest version. Write the name or display name of a user in the Name field. Spaces in names are automatically escaped with backslashes.
The Filename filter () is a Keyword Field filter on the filename used by a model or file when exported to the file system. The filename includes the file extension as a suffix.
File Type
The File Type filter () is a combined Selection Field and Keyword Field filter on the file extension of a file. Select a file extension from the Predefined field, or manually type file extensions, separated by spaces, in the Manual keyword field.
Unlike other Keyword Field filters in the Filter dialog box, in which spaces are escaped with backslash, spaces between file extensions will instead be automatically replaced with Boolean OR operators.
The Owner filter () is a Selection Field filter on the current owner of a model or file. Write the name or display name of a user in the Name field. Spaces in names are automatically escaped with backslashes.