If it is L2 norm of error squared, use the Scaling factor field to enter a space-separated list of scaling factors, one for each field variable (default: 1). The error estimate for each field variable is divided by this factor. Also, the L2 norm error estimate is based on a stability estimate for the PDE. Use the Stability estimate derivative order field to specify its order (default: 2). For certain problems, which are symmetric and where strong error estimates hold, this method is equivalent to a functional error estimation with the functional being the L2 norm squared of the solution. This method can be used also for problems where these assumptions do not hold, but then the adaptation will not be optimal. See the following for some more in-depth information about these settings.
If it is Functional and specify a Functional type. Available functional types are Predefined and Manual. This option adapts the mesh toward improved accuracy in the expression for the functional (for example, some energy, drag, or lift). Select Manual to specify a globally available scalar-valued expression in the Functional field (for example, the name of a global variable probe). If you select Predefined, you can choose from a predefined list of functional from the Solution functional list:
With Automatic, the software tries to assemble the complete Jacobian if an incomplete Jacobian has been detected. If the assembly of the complete Jacobian fails or in the case of nonconvergence, a warning is written and the incomplete Jacobian is used in the sensitivity analysis for stationary problems. For time-dependent problems, an error is returned.
With On, the software tries to assemble the complete Jacobian if an incomplete Jacobian has been detected. If the assembly of the complete Jacobian fails or in the case of nonconvergence, an error is returned.
If you get a warning about an incomplete Jacobian, you can then avoid that warning choosing Off from this list. With that setting, the software does not attempt to assemble the complete Jacobian (the incomplete Jacobian is used immediately).