The Frequency Domain (

) study and study step are used to compute the response of a linear or linearized model subjected to harmonic excitation for one or several frequencies.
Alternatively, select the Use asymptotic waveform evaluation check box to use an
AWE Solver instead of the Parametric solver.
Select a Frequency/parameter list method. This option only appears if there are active least-squares objective functions defined in the model. The default is
Manual, which means that the frequency list defined in the
Frequencies field is used. The other possibility is
From least-squares objective, which means that the frequency list defined by least-squares objectives is used.
Specify the frequencies to use for the frequency sweep. Select the unit to use from the Frequency unit list (default: Hz). Type the frequencies in the
Frequencies field using space-separated numbers or the
range function.
Use the Load parameter values field to select a file with parameter values. You can browse your file system for files by clicking the
Browse button (

). You can also click the downward arrow beside the
Browse button and choose
Browse From (

) to open the fullscreen
Select File window. Click the downward arrow for the
Location menu (

) to choose
Show in Auxiliary Data (

) to move to the row for this file in the
Auxiliary Data window,
Copy File Location (

), and (if you have copied a file location)
Paste File Location (

). After selecting a file, click the
Read File button (

) to load the parameter values into the
Frequencies field.
Select the Use asymptotic waveform evaluation check box to enable the
asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) solver. The Frequency Domain study generates a solver configuration that is used to solve a stationary parametric problem or an asymptotic waveform evaluation problem. By selecting this check box, this study step corresponds to an
AWE Solver.
If you are running a parametric sweep and want to distribute it by sending one parameter value to each compute node, select the Distribute parametric solver check box. This requires that your study includes a parametric sweep. To enable this option, click the
Show More Options button (

) and select
Batch and Cluster in the
Show More Options dialog box.